Contribute to Grace's Tribute

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Make a Donation

If you would like to make a donation in memory of Grace, we have chosen a cause that was close to her heart. In the 1980's Grace travelled to Sri Lanka, to study her then new career in complementary medicine. She worked in clinics in Sri Lanka and was touched by the plight of children who's lives were devastated by being born with a cleft palate. In the West, it's a simple operation but for many around the world, the cost is prohibitive and they are forced to life with disfiguration their whole life. Grace always donated to charities who worked to help those disfigured by cleft palates.

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Light a Candle

Light a candle for Grace and leave a message. You can choose from a variety of candles & colours. Your candle will appear in the candles gallery

Add a Gift

Choose a virtual gift to add to Grace's gifts gallery. There are lots of different gifts to choose from and you can add a message to display with your gift.

Add a Story

Contribute to Grace's lifestory and add a memory or anecdote. You can also upload pictures, videos and music to accompany your story.

Add a Video

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